Friday, June 14, 2013

"BIKE WITH WINGS" (The Flying Bicycle)


                        By: Trevor Mogg 

                         June 13, 2013                                     

   Cycling through heavy traffic can be a risky affair, with vehicles jumping from lane to lane without warning, and pedestrians appearing from nowhere as they risk life and limb to get from one side to the other. 

   It’d be so much safer if you could avoid these hazards by simply flying above them, while keeping an eye out for low bridges and power lines, naturally. 
The idea of a flying bicycle may sound a little far-fetched, but in the Czech capital Prague on Wednesday a group of local companies – including Technodat, Evektor and Duratec – gathered to test out a prototype of such a machine.

   The bicycle, which has been in development for a while now, stayed airborne for several minutes (video), though its creators, presumably fearing the flight may result in a mangled mess, stuck a dummy in the saddle instead of a living, breathing human being.
But they needn’t have worried, as the 220-pound (100 kg) bicycle’s test flight went without a hitch.
The radio-controlled flight was made possible by the bicycle’s six battery-powered propellors, which makes the contraption look a bit like an enormous RC quadcopter. Though the bicycle looked pretty stable during its flight, its large propellors make it look cumbersome to ride and its size means such a bike would face limitations as to where it could go, especially in urban areas. And then there’s all those aforementioned overhead hazards to think about.

   Speaking about the project to local news site Ceske Noviny, project participant Ales Kobylik said, “Our main motivation in working on the project was neither profit nor commercial interest, but the fulfilment of our boyish dreams.”
The team said they hope to stick a real life human in the saddle this fall, doing away with the need for a radio controller.
After that, who knows what plans they have for the flying bicycle, though it may be some time before you’ll have a chance to recreate the large-moon-and-a-bicycle scene from ET. I mean, even if you have access to a flying bike, you’ll still need to find a really big moon.

     As seen in the pictures and video under the article written by Trevor Mogg entitled, "FLYING BICYCLE GETS OFF THE GROUND IN PRAGUE AND LANDS SAFELY, TOO", the new beneficial invention about the flying bike has landed off. The pictures and video above shows the testing of the flying bicycle which stayed airborne for minutes and was efficient at the same time. A clear message of new innovations spreading around the world with full of great benefits and uses for all. This bike which was developed has said to be much safer with its use of cycling in the air for different purposes like avoiding traffics, road accidents and such. It is like a mini helicopter with its simulation of levitating and traveling at air. Groups in Czech has been testing this new invention and making sure if this really is useful and safe. The developers of this bike has been imagining this one through the years and just like in the movie ET (Extra-terrestrial), they have made their childhood dreams and imaginations come true. Now our world is reaching and advancing for grater heights and now with this new product, life would be much more easier as we make our way to the future. 

     The message was delivered by Trevor Mogg. The creative technique that was used to attract my attention was through the news on a rainy afternoon that struck me with this new invention about a flying bicycle, and relieved me because I am so irritated with traffic, getting home late, and floods. About the new invention, I feel relaxed and happy that people really find ways to make life easy through their new discoveries and inventions. Different people may understand this news as not as effective because it is only an invention but I see it as a beneficial one because it can be very useful to us if this one really is stable and reliable through the years. The lifestyle represented is about how the people think differently and with their wild imaginations of creating a new renovations for a better lifestyle while the point of view is that this discovery should not be underestimated for it may have a great factor to us. I think this news is widely sent to all of us primarily because it shows us a way that it can help people especially us Filipinos who usually suffer from traffics caused by road accidents, heavy rains and great floods plus it can help to reduce the emission of smoke and finally a great technology that can reduce global warming and pollution. In conclusion, we should always believe in great minds of these inventors for their new inventions/discoveries will someday be a widely benefit for all and can inspire the young ones about the values of creativity, patience, hard work and expanding their imaginations to ultimately reach their goals in life in the future.

Mogg, T. (2013, June 1). Flying bicycle gets off the ground in Prague (and lands safely, too) | Digital Trends. Retrieved June 13, 2013, from




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